Volunteers needed for Newsletter Delivery

The MHNA winter edition of the newsletter is scheduled to be delivered during the first week of December.  Due to personal changes for a few of our much appreciated volunteers, we need new volunteers to step forward to help deliver the newsletter on some blocks in the neighborhood.

The time commitment would be less than one hour, three times a year (April, late August, and Early December) with a two week time period for delivery.  The 2900 blocks of N. Maryland and N. Downer, the 2800, 2900 and 3000 blocks of N. Farwell are in need of MHNA “Distribution Engineers”.

If you can contribute a few hour of your time for the neighborhood, please contact Cynthia Sommer at wcsommer@yahoo.com or call 414-962-7076 or Gary Halvorsen at ghalvorhead@att.net or 414-305-2853.  Please indicate the block(s) that you can do and also provide your phone number and e-mail address.  Thanks for any help you can provide.