Riverside Athletic Track Fencing – 7/17 Meeting Summary

A community meeting coordinated by Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) was held on July 17th to discuss possible design options on the Riverside University High School (RUHS) Athletic Track improvements in Riverside Park.  Gina Spang, Director of MPS Facilities and Maintenance Services presented current plans for upgrading the rubber track surface with the additions of an underground basin retention area, rain gardens and ADA modifications.

The track is available year round for walking and jogging by the community and is used by RUHS for physical education, track, football and soccer.  MPS typically provides fencing around its new tracks.  Various issues and suggestions were presented on the problems of damage to the grass and expensive rubber track by unauthorized vehicles driving on the surfaces, allowing policing and emergency public safety and health response access, accommodating sledding in the winter, minimizing the trash build-up, maintaining the symbolism of openness and interaction between RUHS and the community and keeping the spirit of a Frederick Olmsted designed park.

MPS has been coordinating with the County, City, and UEC on this design process and will reexamine its design based on feedback from the community meeting and feedback from MPD before any final plan is adopted.  There was a consensus that fencing created several major issues.  Blocking unauthorized car access may be addressed with landscaping changes including a combination of trees, shrubs and berms along with bollard posts at key entry points to the park.  The MPS track is currently being redone with completion scheduled for the start of the school year.  The safety and landscaping changes will follow after review of a revised design.

Thank you to MPS, Supervisor Broderick, Alderman Kovak, and the Urban Ecology  Center for hosting this meeting and providing an update to neighbors.