River Revitalization Volunteers Needed

Help improve Milwaukee River Habitat!

Mondays: 2:00PM-4:00PM
Fridays: 1:00PM-4:00PM
1st and 2nd Saturdays (February – November): 9:00AM-12:00PM

F.O.R.B. (Fostering Our Riparian Biodiversity) is River Revitalization Foundation’s volunteer opportunity! Participate in land restoration activities with RRF Land Manager and Field Supervisor. Meet and work alongside individuals passionate about the natural world and preserving its integrity! Activities could include, but are not limited to: removing invasive species, establishing native plants and trees, maintaining trails, seed collecting and cleaning and controlling erosion. All activities are important for improving the quality and access of the habitat surrounding Milwaukee’s river basin.

Volunteers must be willing and able to participate in manual labor for at least two hours outdoors in varying weather conditions. Most importantly, a willingness to smile, have fun, and get dirty! There are no training requirements for this opportunity, however it is somewhat physical since most of the work is outdoors.

In addition to this opportunity, we are also offering a new volunteer incentive—free use of kayaks and canoes! For every 10 hours logged in a year, volunteers qualify for 3 opportunities to use our paddling equipment and boats. Offer is limited to the number of boats and staff members available. Volunteers must provide staff 48 hours notice to utilize boat incentive. Come to F.O.R.B for more information—2134 N. Riverboat Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53212.

Please contact the Field Supervisor, Ellie Kirkwood, at ekirkwood@riverrevitalizationfoundation.org if you have any questions.