October MHNA Meeting – this Thursday

Hello neighbors,

Please plan to virtually attend our upcoming Murray Hill Neighborhood Association meeting this Thursday, October 28 at 7PM via Zoom videoconferencing.

First, a new topic: Skilos is a family owned pet store which recently opened on Farwell Ave. Zachary Dewitt will come to introduce the store and say hello to the neighborhood. You can also learn more skilospets.com or visit them at 2328 N. Farwell Ave.

Then, MPD Officer Carlos Felix and Assistant DA Kelly Hedge will provide an update on crime and nuisance trends, with time for questions.

We’ll have a representative from the Urban Ecology Center to talk about their upcoming programs and events.

Finally, its election season at Murray Hill. Our board is made up of neighbors like you who volunteer a few hours a month to help keep Murray Hill great. We have several positions up for election this month, so please reach out if you’re interested in joining us.

If you would like to attend this online meeting, please click here to register now and you will receive a confirmation email that includes a calendar invite and zoom link with passcode. For any questions about the meeting or how to register, just reply to this email!

Hope to see you all there, virtually!

Alternative registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtcuirrj4vE9GeigMqhtGWFs9DtYiLPpsF