MHNA Meeting is on Tuesday, October 27th

Come join us this Tuesday evening, October 27th, to welcome our new Dept of Neighborhood Services Representative, Ms. Kim Lyons, who replaces Heidi Weed after her 4 year stint.  Kim is responsible for maintaining the Residential Permit Process, and making sure that our housing stock does not slip  into hazardous condition due to lack of attention.

Officer Kline, from District 1, will visit us and provide a safety update, informing us on the issues that MPD sees in the area, and separating the perceived from the real.

It is election time and anyone with an interest in serving on the board is welcomed to attend and cast their vote for the slate or indicate their desire to serve this hard working and dedicated organization.

The slate as presented is:

Vice President:  J. Gerard Capell, incumbent
Treasurer:  Gary Halvorsen, incumbent
Director 1:  Cate Deicher, incumbent
Director 2:  Mike Darnell

As usual, we meet from 7:00 pm to 9:00 at the Urban Ecology Center, 1500 E. Park Place.  Hope to see you there.