Green Schools Conference – Thursday, June 14

Passing on this information about an upcoming conference on Green Schools.

Milwaukee-area Neighborhood Associations,

I’m reaching out on behalf of the nonprofit Reflo to invite you to attend and spread the news of the upcoming Green Schools Conference on Thursday, June 14th at Fernwood Montessori in Bay View.  The 3rd annual conference will host 35+ exhibitors, 200+ attendees, and 40+ discussion panelists talking on topics including diversity, equity and inclusion, blue/green career pathways, school improvement planning, project-based learning, etc.  Please see the attached flyer and overview of the event.

Additionally, the larger green and healthy schools movement in the Milwaukee-area has steadily grown over the past few years.  There several schools that are in the process of redeveloping their schoolyards to incorporate outdoor classrooms, stormwater green infrastructure, school gardens, etc.  Attached is a prospectus document that outlines the overall process for schoolyard redevelopments and fundraising targets for 2018.

If you are interested in more information, would like to attend the upcoming conference, or would like to schedule a time to talk about how to support schoolyard redevelopments in your neighborhood please contact me at

Thank you for your consideration, 
Wilniesha Smith | Administrative Coordinator

Cell: (414) 573-8169 | Reflo: (414) 949-RFLO 
Email *:
More information herehere, and here.