Eggs-Travaganza … Share your talents and have fun!

Hidden Eggs in Art in Park

Can you spot the hidden eggs?

Don’t miss our 11th Eggs-travaganza  hunt on April 4th – bring your kids, grandkids and neighbors.  The fun begins the Saturday before Easter (April 4th) at 9 am in the Children’s play area of Riverside Park. We will have zillions of plastic candy-filled eggs, real decorated eggs and as a special treat there will be unique ceramic eggs created by the artists at Murray Hill Pottery Works.  Mr. Bunny is also predicted to make an appearance for great picture taking.  All are welcome!!

Share Your Creative Side!!

We need help to dye the many dozens of real eggs for this annual neighborhood egg hunt.  Many hands will make the task of coloring the many dozens of real eggs easier.  Organize your own dyeing/decorating party and have some fun.  Real eggs can be picked up at Murray Hill Pottery works (2456 N. Murray Ave.) by Friday night, March 27, by 6 PM and the final creatively (or not so much) dyed eggs are needed back for hiding by Friday,April 3rd, 6 pm.   We will have several dozens of already hard boiled eggs so you can just go to the fun part. Murray Hill Pottery Works is open Tues-Friday from 12 noon to 9 pm, Saturday 10-4 pm and Sunday 12- 4 pm for egg pick-up.

If you have an hour on Saturday morning (~8 am) join the crew at Riverside Park to hide the eggs and stay a few minutes more at 9 am to see the smiles on the faces of the kids and their parents.  It is a fun community event!