Jazz Estate Liquor License Meeting
Dear Neighbor, You are invited to attend a community meeting at The Jazz Estate, 2423 N. Murray Avenue, on Wednesday, November 18th, at 6 p.m. John Dye, the current owner and operator of Bryant’s Cocktail Lounge on S. 9th Street, has applied for a Class B Tavern License and a Public Entertainment Premise License to operate The Jazz Estate. The applicant will be there
Leaf Raking Deadline Extended
Rake Your Leaves into the Street by November 22, 2015 Milwaukee residents have an additional week to clear their leaves! City of Milwaukee residents now have until Sunday, November 22, 2015 to rake their leaves into the curb lanes for pick-up by the Department of Public Works (DPW). DPW Sanitation crews currently are collecting leaves and will make one last sweep of all City
October Meeting Summary
Neighbors, Last week’s MHNA meeting was full of great information. Here is a summary in case you weren’t able to make it. Elections: Mike Darnell is our newest board member. Welcome! And thank you to John Bleidorn for his two years of service. All other positions remain the same. Department of Neighborhood Services Inspector Kim Lyons gave us a presentation about their role in our neighborhoods. She
Reminder: Trick or Treat Schedule
Once again, the City of Milwaukee will sponsor a city-wide Trick-or-Treat event and residents and ghouls alike should know that this year’s schedule is: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Volunteers needed for Newsletter Delivery
The MHNA winter edition of the newsletter is scheduled to be delivered during the first week of December. Due to personal changes for a few of our much appreciated volunteers, we need new volunteers to step forward to help deliver the newsletter on some blocks in the neighborhood. The time commitment would be less than one hour, three times a year (April, late August,
Leaf Raking Reminder
Milwaukee residents have four more weekends to clear their leaves! City of Milwaukee residents have until Sunday, November 15, 2015 to rake their leaves into the curb lanes for pick-up by the Department of Public Works (DPW). DPW Sanitation crews currently are collecting leaves and will make one last sweep of all City neighborhoods after November 15, concluding leaf pick-up on Wednesday, November 25.
MHNA Meeting is on Tuesday, October 27th
Come join us this Tuesday evening, October 27th, to welcome our new Dept of Neighborhood Services Representative, Ms. Kim Lyons, who replaces Heidi Weed after her 4 year stint. Kim is responsible for maintaining the Residential Permit Process, and making sure that our housing stock does not slip into hazardous condition due to lack of attention. Officer Kline, from District 1, will visit us
Solar East Side Success – MREA Press Release
MILWAUKEE — October 20, 2015 — The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), with its partners Milwaukee Shines, the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association, and Arch Electric, Inc., achieved 84 kW of solar installations through the Solar East Side group buy program. 84 kW of solar power is enough to produce 100,800 kW hours per year and offset 225,792 pounds of carbon dioxide produced from a
Public Meeting about the Lake Park Bridge over Ravine Road
Solar East Side Event with Mayor Barrett
JOIN US: When: 11:15 a.m. – 11:45am, Monday October 12th Where: 2120 E. Webster Place Speakers: Mayor Tom Barrett; Bonnie and Gary Halverson (East Side homeowners); Ed Zinthefer, Arch Electric (solar installer); Gregory James, Murray Hill Neighborhood Association. Elizabeth Hittman, Sustainability Program Coordinator City of Milwaukee Office of Environmental Sustainability 200 E. Wells St., RM 603, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Office: 414-286-5593 Elizabeth.Hittman@milwaukee.govOES | ReFresh MKE | Milwaukee Shines