Reminder: Riverside University High School Community Meetings

From Alderman Kovak:

Dear Eastside Residents and Businesses,

Riverside University High School and I invite you to a Community Coffee Meeting that will focus on the neighboring businesses and residents of Riverside University High School. Two meetings are being held. One will be on Tuesday, July 23rd, and the other will take place on Thursday, July 25th, both at 9:00 am in Room 207 (enter on Locust Street at the main entrance). I will be in attendance at the July 25th meeting.

Riverside’s new Principal, Michael Harris, will introduce himself, give an overview of the school year and provide you with a calendar of school activities and dates, as well as discuss school policies and procedures in regards to student arrival, dismissal and safety.

We hope that you can join us, as your input is very important to Riverside University’s policy and procedural planning for the upcoming school year. Your attendance, ideas and questions are welcomed at this event. Please RSVP with Ms. Allison, the Parent and Student Activities Coordinator. She can be reached at (414) 333-4267 or via email at

Nik Kovac
3rd District Alderman