Murray Hill Member Meeting | May 25, 2023
Join Us for Our May 2023 Membership Dinner and Meeting! Our next member meeting will take place on Thursday, May 25, at Plymouth Church. This month we will provide a baked potato bar dinner served with delicious toppings. Day: Thursday, May 25, 2023 Time: 6:15 PM Dinner; 7:00 PM Meeting Place: Plymouth Church, 2717 E. Hampshire Street Please RSVP for Dinner by, Tuesday, May 23.
Murray Hill Member Meeting | April 27, 2023
Join Us for Our April 2023 Membership Dinner and Meeting! Day: Thursday, April 27, 2023 Time: 6:15 PM Dinner; 7:00 PM Meeting Place: Plymouth Church, 2717 E. Hampshire St. Dinner RSVP Extended to Today, Tuesday, April 25 We’ll be sharing a home cooked dinner: Chicken Parmesan, Pasta and Sciortino’s Italian Bread! We will begin serving at 6:15, so come early to meet your neighbors and
Murray Hill Member Meeting | March 30, 2023
Join Us for Our March Membership Dinner and Meeting! Day: Thursday, March 30, 2023 Time: 6:15 PM Dinner; 7:00 PM Meeting Place: Plymouth Church, 2717 E. Hampshire St. We’re sharing a home cooked meal: Baked Chicken Dinner and Macaroni & Cheese! Feel free to bring a dessert to share. We will begin serving at 6:15, so come early to meet your neighbors and dine before the
Eggstravaganza Returns Saturday April 8th
The Spring Eggstravaganza is back! After a 3-year hiatus the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association is excited to announce the Eggstravaganza is back for 2023 and will be taking place: Date: Saturday, April 8, 2023 When: 9:00 AM Where: Riverside Park The Eggstravaganza is an annual egg hunt for residents in and around Murray Hill. Every year kids gather at the Riverside Park playground by Oakland
MHNA February 2023 Member Meeting
🌶 Join Us 🌶 for Our February Membership Dinner and Meeting! Day: Thursday, February, 2023 Time: 6:15 PM Dinner; 7:00 PM Meeting Place: Plymouth Church, 2717 E. Hampshire St. Let’s get together to share a home cooked Mexican dinner. We’ll be serving enchiladas, beans, rice, lettuce and other fixins. If anyone would care to bring a dessert, that’s always welcome. We will begin serving at 6:15, so
MHNA January 2023 Member Meeting
Start the New Year with a Tour of One of UWM’s Hidden Gems: The UWM Biological Sciences Greenhouse Day: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Place: UWM Greenhouse, UWM Northwest Quadrant Building B Our agenda this month includes: Milwaukee MPD District 1 Report Community Liaison Officers and Assistant District Attorney Dax Odom will provide updates and discuss current crime trends in our area.
MHNA October Dinner and Member Meeting
Join Us for Our MHNA Annual Fall Membership Dinner and Meeting on Thursday, October 27 Let’s welcome autumn with a shared home cooked dinner consisting of Chicken Paprikash over Noodles, Salad, Bread, Dessert, and Additional Side Dish(es) to round off the meal. We will begin serving at 6:15, so come early to meet your neighbors and dine before the 7:00 meeting. Please RSVP to our
MHNA September Meeting – Thursday, 9/22
For our September member meeting, as a “Welcome Back to in-person meetings”, we are hosting a supper featuring Lisa’s pizza, Sciortino’s bread, Caesar salad, and homemade desserts for our speakers and attendees. Please stop by for food and fellowship with your neighbors at 6:15 p.m. prior to the start of the meeting at 7:00. Please RSVP here so we have a general idea of how much food we
Urgent – Liquor License Hearing for Former Bikesmith’s Location – This Friday @ 11:15AM
Bikesmith Liquor Store License – Your Action Needed (Again) On May 19, MHNA sent out a notification about opportunities for public comment on two pending liquor license applications – a renewal at the Miramar Theatre and a NEW liquor license application for the former Bikesmith’s location for a proposed new business “Serenity420”. Our original notification is available here as a reminder. Many of you responded in May
August 2022 Murray Hill E-Newsletter
MHNA’s seventh E-Newsletter was sent to subscribers today! Check it out here!