Anyone who lives, has a business, or owns property within the Murray Hill Neighborhood boundaries is eligible for membership in MHNA. Murray Hill Neighborhood boundaries are:
Hartford Avenue to the North
Bradford Avenue to the South
Downer Avenue to the East
Oakland Avenue to the West
A neighborhod map is available here.
Member Meetings
General Membership Meetings are held at 7pm on the 4th Thursday of the month at Plymouth Church (excluding the months of November and December). Attendance is complimentary to all current and potential members of MHNA. Please click on the highlighted dates on the calendar to the right for more detailed information on upcoming events.
Plymouth Church2717 East Hampshire Street
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Our bylaws were most recently amended in October 2016. Click here to read.
Annual Dues
Your membership dues are important and allow us to maintain our neighborhood newsletter and our website, as well as support events such as the annual Spring Eggstravaganza and the Downer Avenue Bike Races that celebrate and strengthen our community.
NEW! As of January 10, 2021, Murray Hill Neighborhood Association is now a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and donations, including membership dues, are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.
Dues paid cover the calendar year in which they are paid. We encourage you to pay online below, otherwise click here to download a PDF of the membership application and mail it in to join today, or bring your payment along with you to the next General Membership Meeting.
Murray Hill Neighborhood AssociationPO Box 71133
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Become a member. Join and pay online!
Membership Types
Individual: $20.00
Family: $30.00
Senior (age 65+): $10.00
Senior Family: $15.00
Student: $10.00
Business: $40.00