Eastside Neighborhood Meet and Greet, September 27, 4:30pm
This note is from Heather Harbach at UWM….
Hello everyone!
I’m sending this email to invite you to an event this Friday, September 27 at 4:30pm. Join UWM staff, Milwaukee Police Department and UWM Police Department, along with your fellow neighbors, for some socializing and conversation on the 3000 Block of Cramer. We will have UWM’s famous Panther Paw cookies on hand for attendees, as well as time for meeting COAST leaders, your neighbors, and the great officers of both police departments. Spread the news to your membership, we’d love to see them there.
No formal speakers or program, just a time to chat and talk with those in attendance. Please email me if you have additional questions.
See you on Friday,
Heather N. Harbach
Neighborhood Relations Liaison
University Relations and Communications
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
office: 414-229-4451
fax: 414-229-6261
cell: 414-416-6674