Virtual Community Meeting – MONDAY!

We are forwarding this announcement from Alderman Kovac:

Dear Neighbors,

I will be hosting a virtual community meeting on Monday, October 5th at 5:30 pm to discuss a development proposal intended for the intersection of Downer Avenue and Park Place. The developer is proposing to demolish the existing 3-unit structure currently located at 2604 E. Park Place that was badly damaged in a fire and replace it with a 4-unit townhouse. The proposal requires a variance from our Board of Zoning Appeals because the current zoning only allows for 2 units.

The community meeting will give neighbors the chance to view the development plans, ask questions, and offer opinions prior to the proposal being heard at the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Please register for Downer Ave & Park Pl townhouse proposal on Oct 5, 2020 5:30 PM CDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Your input is important and I look forward to your participation in this virtual meeting.

Thank you,

Nik Kovac,

Alderman, 3rd District